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Travel Insurance
PVZP0804 kategorie – cesky turista

Travel insurance for trips in the Czech Republic

Český turista

The ‘Český turista’ travel insurance package is for everyone who likes to discover different corners of the Czech Republic on foot, on water, on a bicycle or on a motorbike.


Unique insurance for travelling in the Czech Republic
New - telephone consultation with a doctor
Cycloasistence - repair of the defect, transport to the bike service...

What does the 'Český turista' package offer?

  • Bicycle assistance – repairs, transport to a bicycle service centre, transport of minors to accommodation facilities or home
  • NEW PRODUCT: Medical assistance ‘Turista’ (Tourist) – consultation with a doctor over the phone, taxi to the doctor and back, driver/taxi to the place of residence/accommodation
  • Bezstarostná jízda – car assistance in the event of a car breakdown or an accident on the road
  • Personal belonging insurance – sports equipment, electronics, etc
  • Liability insurance – e.g. damage to accommodation equipment, injury to health or property caused by your dog
  • ‘Sport’ insurance – insurance of sports equipment rental deposits
  • Dangerous and extreme sports insurance
  • Cancellation insurance – payment of forfeited fees for travel agency services or booked accommodation (due to illness or injury; including expenses related to Covid-19 – only in the ‘Túra’ (Hike) package)
  • Accident insurance
  • Medical expenses insurance – classic travel insurance for border areas (up to 50 km from the Czech border)

Packages and additional insurances

You can choose Czech Tourist insurance in one of the following three variants – “Procházka”, “Výlet” or “Tůra”. You can choose from a wide range of additional insurances for the chosen package.

Medical expenses insurance

Insurance risk/variant "Procházka" "Výlet" "Túra"
Medical expenses insurance 200 000 CZK 300 000 CZK 500 000 CZK
Medical consultation Turista 1 x 30 min 2 x 30 min 3 x 30 min
Medical consultation Turista - annual tariff 2 x 30 min 4 x 30 min 6 x 30 min
Taxi from/to medical facility and taxi/replacement driver to place of residence 1 x 700 CZK 2 x 5000 CZK 3 x 8000 CZK
Taxi from/to medical facility and taxi/replacement driver to place of residence - annual fare 2 x 700 CZK 4 x 5000 CZK 6 x 8000 CZK

Accident insurance

Insurance risk/variant "Procházka" "Výlet" "Túra"
Permanent consequences 200 000 CZK 300 000 CZK 400 000 CZK
Death by accident 100 000 CZK 150 000 CZK 200 000 CZK

Insurance of personal belongings

Insurance risk/variant "Procházka" "Výlet" "Túra"
Insurance of personal belongings 10 000 CZK 20 000 CZK 30 000 CZK

Liability insurance

Insurance risk/variant "Procházka" "Výlet" "Túra"
Liability insurance 200 000 CZK 500 000 CZK 1 000 000 CZK

Insurance Sport

Insurance risk/variant "Procházka" "Výlet" "Túra"
Damage to sports equipment x 15 000 CZK 30 000 CZK
Delay of sports equipment x 750 CZK per day 1000 CZK per day
Sports game or tournament fee forfeiture x 2 000 CZK 5 000 CZK
Forfeiture of bail x 2 000 CZK 4 000 CZK
Assistance services Cyklista x 3 000 CZK 5 000 CZK

Insurance of mountain rescue service intervention

Insurance risk/variant "Procházka" "Výlet" "Túra"
Insurance of mountain rescue service intervention x 70 000 CZK 120 000 CZK

Insurance in case of hospitalisation

Insurance risk/variant "Procházka" "Výlet" "Túra"
Insurance in case of hospitalisation x x 300 CZ per day

Package insurance

Insurance risk/variant "Procházka" "Výlet" "Túra"
"Bezstarostná jízda" according to the rules according to the rules according to the rules
Travel insurance plans 750 CZK / 10 days top 1000 CZK / 15 days top 1 500 CZK / 21 days top
Insurance of electronics 10 000 CZK 20 000 CZK 30 000 CZK
Cancellation fee insurance According to the tour price (20% deductible) According to the tour price (20% deductible) According to the tour price (20% deductible)

Don´t miss it

we cover holiday cancellation fees

If you have cancellation fee insurance, we pay the fee for cancellation of a holiday due to ordered quarantine:

  • Positive test or confirmed illness – for the ‘Procházka’ (Walk), ‘Výlet’ (Trip) and ‘Túra’ (Hike) packages
  • Preventive quarantine/isolation without confirmation of illness – ONLY with the ‘Túra’ package

We will be happy to tell you the exact insurance price, including supplementary insurance, at our branches or on our information line

How to take out the 'Český turista' insurance package

You can arrange travel insurance online. Carefree travel can be arranged for STANDARD and NADSTANDARD variants by clicking on “+ select additional insurance”.

You can arrange travel insurance, “Bezstarostná jízda” and “Český turista” at any of the sales points of Pojišt’ovna VZP, a. s. and VZP ČR.

What should I do when I need the services of Medical assistance 'Turista'?

Always call the assistance service – Tel. no.: +420 226 294 294.

Our operators are available 24/7. In order for the operator to provide assistance as quickly as possible, please prepare the number of your insurance contract, your vehicle’s registration plate, your telephone number and your exact location.

How should you proceed if your car (supplementary insurance package 'Bezstarostná jízda') or bicycle (bicycle assistance in the 'Výlet' (Trip) and 'Túra' (Hike) package) is immobilized?

Always call the assistance service – Tel. no.: +420 272 10 10 10 SMS: +420 606 60 17 55.

Our operators are available 24/7. To allow the operator to help you as quickly as possible, please prepare the number of your insurance contract, your date of birth and your phone number.

How should you proceed with other events?

Always call the assistance service – Tel. no.: +420 272 10 10 10 SMS: +420 606 60 17 55.

Our operators are available 24/7. To allow the operator to help you as quickly as possible, please prepare the number of your insurance contract, your date of birth and your phone number.

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