Professional Liability Insurance
PVZP0804 kategorie – smluvnilekar

Conctractual Doctor Property and Liability Insurance

Conctractual Doctor

Just like the operation of every business, the operation of a healthcare facility brings with it its own risks. Insurance from PVZP will give you complete protection from the risks of operating a healthcare facility in the form of property insurance, business interruption and liability insurance, including statutory professional liability insurance



Arranged quickly, simple as can be
Technical emergency service
Maximum insurance variability and flexibility in the one policy

Comprehensive protection from the risks of operating a healthcare facility

  • Comprehensive insurance of movable as well as immovable property, including medical devices at the place of insurance up to a value of CZK 12 million as standard, with automatic cover in the Czech Republic up to CZK 100,000
  • Property insurance is arranged in “as new” prices and the insurance benefit is also paid in “as new” prices without wear and tear being taken into account
  • Insurance of business interruption for reason of material damage, official intervention and damage to the health of a doctor with a unique deductible of 2 days
  • Liability insurance covers statutory professional liability, general liability including liability for damage to health caused by a product defect
  • Maximum insurance variability and flexibility in the one policy = one payment, one worry
  • Wide-ranging option of selecting insured amounts, limits and the adeductible
  • Technical emergency service (in the event of blocked doors, state of emergency) from AXA Assistance, a renowned assistance service, for free up to three times a year up to three times a year
    (up to CZK 10,000)

Types of insurance

Liability insurance

  • Professional damage liability insurance
  • General damage liability insurance
  • Insurance of liability for damage caused by a product defect

Property insurance

  • Insurance of the equipment of a doctor’s surgery (movable items, whether owned or third party), supplies
  • Insurance of the building in which the surgery is housed
  • All risk glass insurance
  • All risk insurance of electronic devices and machines (medical, office and operational)
  • Insurance of the contents of cooling equipment for the event of a power outage and functional breakdown of the equipment

Insurance of business interruption or restriction

  • Insurance for the event of material damage (natural disasters, theft, vandalism)
  • Insurance for the event of official intervention
  • Insurance for the event of work incapacity or quarantine

Closed office

I am a dentist and running a practice costs something. When I was bedridden for several months, the insurance covered the cost of my nurse’s salary and the rent and equipment payment, even though the office was closed due to my illness.

Martin, 44 years old

Example of insurance

A general practicioner arranges insurance with the following parameters:

*Payable with a deductible of CZK 1,000, a maximum of 2 doctors, a maximum of 2 medical staff and a contract concluded for a minimum period of 2 years.

Insurance arranged Insurance benefit limit Annual premium Total
Property (movable items) CZK 500,000 CZK 1,616 *
CZK 10,323 *
Glass CZK 30,000 CZK 225 *
Contents of cooling equipment CZK 50,000 CZK 375 *
Liability CZK 10,000,000 CZK 4,057 *
Business interruption or restriction CZK 240,000 CZK 4,050 *
Assistance services - free
*Applies in the case of a deductible of CZK 1,000, up to a maximum of two doctors, up to a maximum of two healthcare personnel, and a policy concluded for at least 2 years.

How is the insurance arranged?

Property and liability insurance can be arranged at the contact points of Pojišťovna VZP, a. s. stated below and at selected brokerage companies.


Infoline: +420 233 006 311

(Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.)

Do you want a discount?

Upon concluding the CONTRACTUAL DOCTOR insurance, the doctors and personnel of the healthcare facility will also receive a 20 % discount on other products offered by Pojišťovna VZP, a. s.

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