Current information of Pojišťovna VZP, a.s. on the insurance of foreigners
In connection with the amendment to the act on insurance of foreigners, we are adding additional information the Current Information of Pojišťovna VZP, a.s. on the insurance of foreigners from 22 July 2021 regarding comprehensive health insurance products for foreigners sold at PVZP, a.s. business networks as of 2 August 2021 (hereinafter referred to as ‘products’).
There are no changes to the Comprehensive Health Insurance for Foreigners products – the scope of the insurance remains the same, the insurance conditions are unchanged, only the following changes were made:
In the CHIF PLUS product, the limit of insurance payment for one insured event has increased from CZK 1,800,000 to CZK 2,000,000, the limit of CZK 3,000,000 is abolished. A health questionnaire was added to the product.
With the CHIF EXCLUSIVE product, clients can now choose from 3 insurance coverage limits for one insured event (CZK 2,500,000, CZK 4,500,000, CZK 6,500,000). This product also applies to illnesses that the client already had before taking out the insurance and is completely free of medical exclusions.
All product changes were created with an emphasis on quality, they are in accordance with the approved amendment to the act on insurance of foreigners, and they allow clients to choose from multiple insurance options depending on their current life situation.