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Tuyên bố về khả năng tiếp cận
This document contains a contact for technical support and an accessibility declaration so it complies with the conditions of the upcoming amendment of Law No. 365/2000 Coll. on information systems of public administration.
Web pages on this new server of PVZP are created with regard to accessibility and barrier-free quality of the web in order to comply with all relevant rules of accessibility according to methodology BFW, WCAG 1.0 and Best Practice – Rules of the creation of accessible web created by the Ministry of Informatics of the Czech Republic for the purposes of amendment of Law No. 365/2000 Coll. on information systems in public administration.
The presentation has been created according to HTML 4 Transitional or HTML 5 (draft) specifications and observes syntactic and semantic accuracy. The content is completely separate from style with the help of CSS. The presentation may be used on other output devices (such as mobile phones etc.).
Some of the information on this server is offered in the form of PDF format documents, mainly because they contain typographic elements and formatting that are not supported by the XHTML web format, or their size is too large and it is advisable to download them. To display such documents it is necessary that the Adobe Reader is installed in the computer, downloadable free of charge from the Adobe company internet server.
In some cases, mainly if an alteration of the document is requested on your side, the document is published in the RTF format. Such a file can be displayed and edited by most commonly used text editors.
In very rare cases (which we try to avoid) the document is published in one of the formats of the Microsoft Office application family. These are mainly documents with the DOC, XLS or PPT extensions. Such documents are only published on the website when they contain formatting that prevents their conversion to another format (PDF, RTF) or in case the owner of the documents specifically prohibits any manipulation or conversion. For all of these formats there is a browser available on the Microsoft website that can be downloaded free of charge and installed in your computer.
If the attached document takes up too much space or if there is a larger number of documents, the downloading of these documents may take too much time. That is why we converted these documents with a compression program into a ZIP file format and thus decreased their size. Before opening such a document it is necessary to “”unpack”” the file. There are many free programs available on the internet that can be used to unpack a ZIP file. It is very likely though that you already have such a program installed in your computer or that this option is offered by your operating system itself.
Contact for the web administrator
Your comments, ideas or information on problems with the displaying of these pages can be sent to the address of the technical administrator of the website – This address only serves to deal with technical difficulties, not problems of content regarding this web presentation.