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Accident Insurance

On what principle does accident insurance work?

Accident insurance provides you with financial compensation in the event of an accident, so that you don't lose the standard you're used to due to a loss of work or, for example, the permanent consequences of an accident.

Do I need to have a medical examination before taking out accident insurance?

No, we do not require a medical examination to take out accident insurance.

Does accident insurance also cover accidents at work?

Yes, accident insurance from PVZP also covers injuries that occur at work and in the workplace.

Where is accident insurance valid?

Accident insurance from PVZP is valid in the Czech Republic and also worldwide.

What age range can I take out accident insurance?

Accident insurance can be taken out by anyone from birth (through their legal guardians) up to the age of 70 with cover valid up to the age of 85.

Can I take out accident insurance even if I play a risky sport?

Yes, it is possible to take out accident insurance for different activities and sports depending on the risk.

Citizens’ Insurance

Will liability insurance cover damage I cause to my employer?

Not applicable, the injury to the employer is in the exclusions.

Can I also insure my cottage/garage/garden?

Yes, we are able to insure not only family houses and flats in private ownership, buildings under construction, permanently and recreationally inhabited cottages, including building materials intended for construction or reconstruction of the building, etc. We also insure garages, fences, swimming pools, sheds, barns, swimming pools, gardens, etc.

Will liability insurance cover damage caused by my dog?

Yes, the insurance covers the liability of the insured for damage or non-pecuniary loss caused by activities common in civil life, i.e. also as an owner or caretaker of domestic and small farm animals commonly kept in households in the Czech Republic.

I have taken out liability insurance, does this cover my family?

Yes, persons in a family relationship are covered to the same extent as the insured if they live permanently in the same household as the insured.

Entrepreneur Insurance

If I make a product that causes damage to someone else, am I protected by business insurance?

Yes, PVZP's business insurance also covers you if a defective product causes bodily injury or property damage.

Who is entrepreneur insurance from PVZP for?

It is a universal insurance for entrepreneurs, municipalities, towns, owners of apartment buildings or contributory and budgetary organizations with property value up to CZK 500 million.

Fénix, Serious Illness Insurance

What illnesses are covered by Fénix Critical Illness Insurance?

Fénix Major Disease Insurance primarily covers malignant and benign tumours. However, it is closely linked to a range of additional insurance policies that make Phoenix cover all common serious illnesses such as heart attack, stroke, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease and more.

Do I need to have a medical examination before taking out critical illness insurance?

No, you do not need to have a medical examination or provide proof of income before taking out a policy.

Foreigners’ Medical Insurance

Do you offer Foreigners‘ Medical Insurance with coverage identical to public medical insurance in the Czech Republic?

Our Comprehensive Medical Insurance EXCLUSIVE is high quality medical insurance designed for foreigners. Its scope is identical to that provided under public medical insurance in the Czech Republic. e insurance benefit is subject to a limit per insured event, with the option of also taking out supplementary insurance for the event of hospitalisation and insurance of medical expenses for the Schengen area.

I am pregnant. What insurance should I arrange?

If you are pregnant, we recommend that you arrange Foreigners’ Comprehensive Medical Insurance PLUS or the Standard + Newborn version of the EXCLUSIVE insurance. The waiting period that would apply in the case of the Standard version shall not apply for this type of insurance in the case of payment for healthcare provided in connection with pregnancy and birth. In addition, postnatal care for the newborn (from birth to a maximum of 3 months of age) is covered by this insurance, i.e. healthcare directly linked to childbirth without interruption of the period of hospitalisation.

Can I visit any doctor or healthcare facility?

Clients should visit our contractual doctor and healthcare facility, except in case of the need for acute care.

I am planning to go to your branch and arrange Foreigners’ Comprehensive Medical Insurance PLUS for my wife (colleague, acquiantance, …), what will I need to bring with me?

  • If the client is not in the Czech Republic, he/she may be also represented by another person, a so-called policyholder (i.e. a person who concludes the insurance policy and pays the premium), during the arrangement of Foreigners’ Comprehensive Medical Insurance (hereinafter referred to as FCHI).
  • In order to arrange the insurance policy, the policyholder must have his/her identity card and the insured person‘s particulars: first name, surname, date of birth, passport number and address at which the insured will stay in the Czech Republic. When arranging the insurance, it is necessary to complete an insurance application form, including the insured person’s medical questionnaire.
  • If acting on behalf of another person, this questionnaire can be completed and signed only with the consent of the person being insured, who shall empower you to do so.

Is the cost of medicines paid directly to the client under Foreigners‘ Medical Insurance?

A client pays for the medicines he/she purchases in a pharmacy by him/herself and subsequently requests the insurance company to reimburse him/her, but this is only possible if the payment was more than CZK 100.

Does Foreigners‘ Medical Insurance also cover sporting activities?

Depends on the type of insurance arranged and the type of sporting activities. In the case of Foreigners‘ Basic Medical Insurance, there is the option of arranging supplementary insurance for hazardous sports.

What should I do when I need to visit a doctor?

Please contact AXA Assistance, our assistance service, and follow their instructions. The assistance service is available non-stop, its staffs is able to communicate with clients in all world languages, it has an up-to-date list of our contractual doctors and healthcare facilities and can, if required, also provide a payment guarantee to a healthcare facility, and so forth. The contact details for the assistance service can be found on the insured person’s ID card.

I am interested in vaccination against covid-19. Will vaccination be covered by my insurance?

At the moment, registration for vaccination in the Czech Republic is possible only for participants in public medical insurance. If the conditions change in the future, Pojišťovna VZP, a.s. will react, and under agreed conditions, vaccination will be covered by insurance.

I have arranged Foreigners´ Medical Insurance. Does my insurance also cover PCR tests and antigen testing?

PCS tests are covered only if they are prescribed by a hygiene station or by a doctor, we do not cover voluntary PCR testing. Voluntary PCR testing can be covered from “Premium healthcare services”, that is included in most foreigners´ comprehensive medical insurance policies. Antigen testing (that is free only for those insured by the public medical insurance system) is not possible to cover. However clients can undergo testing as self-payers. In case clients have a valid insurance policy for foreigners´ comprehensive medical insurance with a stated limit for “Premium”, it is possible to ask for a refund for antigen testing up to the stated limit.

Is it possible to arrange supplementary insurance that would cover voluntary testing?

Voluntary testing can be covered by „Premium“ that is included in all insurance policies of Foreigners´ Comprehensive Medical Insurance PLUS. As for Foreigners´ Comprehensive Medical Insurance Exclusive, „Premium“ is included in most insurance policies arranged from 1. June 2020.

I have arranged Foreigners´ Medical Insurance. If I get ill with covid-19, will you cover all the care related to it?

Yes. All the acute healthcare related to covid-19 treatment is covered by Foreigners´ Medical Insurance of Pojišťovna VZP, a.s., including hospitalisation. Non-acute healthcare in connection with this illness will be covered by comprehensive medical insurance, within the scope of insurance terms and conditions.

I need a contract in English (for the embassy etc.), is that possible?

Yes, we will issue a certificate in English upon request from the policyholder.

Do you offer health insurance for foreigners identical to public health insurance in the Czech Republic?

Our insurance product Comprehensive Health Insurance EXCLUSIVE is a quality health insurance designed for foreigners. It is identical in scope to public health insurance. The insurance benefit is limited to a single claim limit and you can also take out insurance for hospitalisation and medical expenses insurance for the Schengen area.

Does health insurance for foreigners also apply to sports activities?

It depends on the type of insurance taken out and the type of sporting activities. In the case of the Basic Foreigners' Health Insurance product, it is possible to add dangerous sports. For the insurance products Comprehensive Foreigners' Health Insurance PLUS and Comprehensive Health Insurance EXCLUSIVE, sporting activities are included in the insurance (except for professional sports, which can be added).

Are medications covered directly by the client’s health insurance for foreigners?

The client pays for the drugs himself at the pharmacy and then asks the insurance company for reimbursement, which is possible only if the reimbursement is higher than 100 CZK.

I am pregnant, what insurance should I take out?

If you are pregnant, we recommend taking out Comprehensive Foreigners' Health Insurance PLUS or EXCLUSIVE insurance of the Standard + Newborn type. For this type of insurance, the waiting period that would apply for the Standard type does not apply in the case of benefits for pregnancy and childbirth related medical care. In addition, this insurance also covers postnatal care for the newborn (from birth to a maximum of 3 months of age), i.e. medical care immediately following the birth without interrupting the continuity of hospitalisation.

Can I see any doctor or health facility?

Clients should see our contracted doctors and medical facilities unless it is for acute care.

What should I do if I need to see a doctor?

Please contact our helpdesk and follow their instructions. The helpdesk is available 24 hours a day, speaks all the world's main languages, has an up-to-date list of our contracted doctors and medical facilities, can give a guarantee of reimbursement to the medical facility, etc. Contact details for the assistance service can be found on the insured person's card.

I am going to go to your branch and arrange KZPC PLUS for my wife (colleague, friend, …), what will I need with me?

If the client is not located in the Czech Republic, someone else, the so-called policyholder (i.e. the person who concludes the insurance contract and pays the premium), may represent the client when arranging comprehensive health insurance for foreigners (hereinafter referred to as KZPC). The policyholder needs his/her identity document and information about the insured person to conclude the insurance contract: name, surname, date of birth, passport number and address where the insured person will be staying in the Czech Republic. In addition, you need to have a completed health questionnaire with a handwritten signature of the insured person or his/her legal representative in the original.

Is it possible to take out supplementary insurance that would also cover my voluntary testing?

Voluntary testing can be covered by the Excess Benefit, which is included in all contracts of the Comprehensive Health Insurance for Foreigners PLUS product. For Comprehensive Alien Health Insurance Exclusive products, the Excess Benefit is included in most contracts concluded from 1 June 2020.

I’ve taken out health insurance for foreigners. Does my insurance also cover PCR and antigen testing?

PCR testing is covered if prescribed by a health authority or doctor, voluntary PCR testing is not covered. Voluntary PCR testing can be covered under the Excess Benefit, which is already included in most Comprehensive Alien Health Insurance policies. Antigen testing, which has been declared free only for public health insurance policyholders under the aliens' health insurance, cannot be covered. Clients can only undergo it as self-payers. If they have a valid comprehensive health insurance policy with a stated limit of Above Standard, then it is possible to claim reimbursement for antigen testing up to this limit.

Patron Medical Insurance

What is the difference between accident insurance and Patron insurance?

Patron insurance is an insurance for hospitalization and incapacity for work. In case you are hospitalized or incapacitated after an accident, the sum insured is paid for each such day.

Professional Liability Insurance

How can I protect myself if I leave my practice?

In case of termination of medical practice, we offer so-called maintenance insurance, which protects you even after termination of active medical practice if a patient makes a claim against you.

Can I arrange an interruption of service due to illness or quarantine separately?

We offer business interruption insurance exclusively with property insurance.

Does liability insurance for health service providers also include operational liability?

Yes, we normally offer professional indemnity insurance as part of our liability insurance package, as well as general (operational) liability and product liability insurance.

Travel Insurance

I have a Carefree Travel insurance policy and my vehicle has failed. What should I do?

The first thing to do is to call the breakdown assistance service on +420 226 294 294 294, who will help you arrange for the vehicle to be towed to the nearest garage on your route and tell you how complicated the repair is and how long it will take. You will then discuss the next steps with the assistance service, as well as the possible delivery of a replacement car to ensure you reach your destination safely. Our assistance service is available 24 hours a day.

Am I insured for terrorism?

Terrorism risk is a standard part of travel insurance and the client does not pay extra for it. However, the insurer does not pay in the event that the insured is actively involved in the event or for events occurring in an area for which a government authority has issued a warning, recommendation or caution against travel or stay in such an area for any reason. We recommend that clients monitor the current information on the stands at www.mzv.cz under "TRAVEL" - "Travel Warnings" and "Overview of All Travel Warnings" prior to travel.

I am a non-contributing blood donor, am I entitled to free travel insurance?

Non-contributing blood donors can (subject to certain conditions) obtain free medical expenses insurance (for a maximum of 35 days per calendar year) or annual travel insurance for repeated stays abroad at a discounted premium rate.

I have insurance for France, will it cover me for another country I will be travelling through?

If you take out travel insurance to, for example, France, it will also cover all European countries, the European part of Russia, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Turkey, Israel and Cyprus.

I am going to the mountains, do I need to take out mountain service insurance?

The scope of the insurance benefit for the insurance of medical expenses itself includes medically necessary transport from the place of the insured event to the nearest first aid facility or hospital and back (i.e. including the possible use of mountain service, helicopter transport and transport of the patient from the ski slope, etc.). On the other hand, this insurance excludes transport, search, rescue and search and rescue operations, unless the insured's health is also insured (e.g. search operations if someone is lost in the mountains and nothing happens to them). This could be the purpose of insurance for mountain rescue services.

I am pregnant, can I take out travel insurance with you?

Of course, a pregnant woman can also insure herself for a trip abroad, but the insured event does not include, for example, childbirth including premature birth, six-week delivery, abortion or laboratory and ultrasound examinations to detect and monitor pregnancy. In the event of a claim, medical care related to the provision of acute and emergency care would be covered, but not treatment/checks as part of pregnancy monitoring. Pregnant clients are advised to see their gynaecologist prior to travel for an examination including a statement on the planned travel.

I had an accident abroad, what should I do?

In this case, you should contact AXA Assistance and follow their instructions. Assistance is available 24 hours a day. The contact details of the assistance service can be found on the insured person's card.

Why should I take out travel insurance if I have a European insurance card?

Despite the Czech Republic's membership in the EU, we cannot be held responsible for different interpretations of necessary and urgent treatment in different countries. In addition, travel medical expenses insurance also covers the full cost of deductibles for treatment, hospitalization and prescription drug charges, which is subject to the rules in the EU country in question. Without travel medical expenses insurance, the client must pay these charges within the EU. The travel insurance includes assistance services 24 hours a day in the Czech language (assistance to clients in an emergency, legal advice, facilitation of communication in a foreign medical facility, contact with family, ...). Travel insurance fully covers the costs associated with repatriation of an injured or ill client to the Czech Republic, including the necessary professional accompaniment. According to EU rules, repatriation is not covered. The travel insurance also fully covers the transport of the body to the Czech Republic. According to EU rules, the transport of the body is not covered.

What about the European Insurance Card…?

Cestovní pojištění zahrnuje služby asistence nepřetržitě 24 hodin denně v českém jazyce (pomoc klientům v nouzi, právní poradenství, usnadnění komunikace v zahraničním zdravotnickém zařízení, kontakt s rodinou, …). Cestovní pojištění plně kryje náklady spojené s repatriací zraněného nebo nemocného klienta do ČR včetně nezbytného odborného doprovodu. Podle pravidel EU repatriace není hrazena. Cestovní pojištění plně kryje i převoz tělesných ostatků do ČR. Podle pravidel EU převoz tělesných ostatků hrazen není.

Vehicle Insurance

Jak používáme prohlášení o škodném průběhu pojištění odpovědnosti při stanovení výše pojistného?

Základním smyslem používání prohlášení o škodném průběhu je zohlednění předcházejícího škodního průběhu pojištění daného klienta pro výši pojistného. Pojistníci, kteří neměli škody budou mít výhodnější pojistné než pojistníci, kteří škody ve sledovaném období měli.
  1. Škodní průběh se používá pro detailnější posouzení rizikovosti smlouvy pojistníka
  2. Informace o době pojištění a škodním průběhu pojistníka se získají z České kanceláře pojistitelů (ČKP).
  3. ČKP sdružuje informace o škodní historii klienta od jednotlivých pojišťoven.
  4. Pojišťovna VZP a.s. vychází pouze z historie 10 kalendářních let zpět s připočtením měsíců od počátku roku do data počátku pojištění
  5. Škodní průběh se uplatňuje pouze na stejnou kategorii vozidla
  6. Nepřevádí se škodní historie z pojistníka na jiného pojistníka
  7. Sloučení škodního průběhu je možné pouze u fyzické osoby a totožné fyzické osoby podnikající a obráceně.
  8. Lze uznat potvrzení o pojistně škodní historii ze zahraničí, ale pouze za předpokladu, že bude obsahovat stejný rozsah informací jako u českého ekvivalentu – zejména doba pojištění v měsících, počet pojistných událostí, uvedení osoby, ke které se škodní historie týká a bude vystaven zahraničním pojistitelem.

What does unlimited assistance mean for car insurance?

Unlimited assistance means that no matter where in the world you have an irreparable breakdown, we'll make sure you get home safely.

What kind of car insurance does PVZP provide?

We offer both standard compulsory third party insurance, accident insurance or additional insurance such as glass insurance, theft insurance or insurance against natural disasters.


I need the insurance policy in English (for an embassy, etc.). Is this possible?

Yes, we will issue a confirmation in English upon the policyholder’s request.

What should I do if I find a mistake in the insurance policy?

In this case, please contact the client service department of Pojišťovna VZP, a. s. by telephone on 233 006 311 or by e-mail at info@pvzp.cz.

What should I do if I find a mistake in the insurance policy?

In this case, please contact the client service department of Pojišťovna VZP, a. s. by telephone on 233 006 311 or by e-mail at info@pvzp.cz.

I will study in the Czech Republic. My university requires a certificate certifying that my insurance will cover covid-19. Can you issue such a certificate?

Yes. We can issue such a certificate upon request. In such cases, please send us an email on info@pvzp.cz or contact us by phone on +420 233 006 311.

I found an error in the contract, how should I proceed?

In this case, please contact the client service of Pojišt'ovna VZP, a. s. by phone at +420 233 006 311 or by email at info@pvzp.cz .

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